Why we do show recaps: data.

Sure, a lot of it isn’t numbers. But qualitative date is just as important as the quantitative date provided on show settlement statements. 

Imagine it’s five years from now, and a client of ours is booking a new tour. Detailed show recaps help us have data points years from now about shows we don’t even remember playing.

  • We’ve done (4) shows with this promoter, and all of them sucked. XYZ was missed on all of them. 
  • I vaguely remember this venue wasn’t that great. Let’s look back at the recap to see if we can advance better/differently this time.
  • Every time we fly Spirit, we get to the show late. Maybe this will finally be a wake up call.
  • This festival is absolutely amazing. We should totally go back.

IMPORTANT: At the bottom of the page is a SAVE AND RESUME LINK! Click it before exiting and you can resume later after the show! It will give you the option to copy a link to save OR put your email in to receive an email. If you choose the email, be sure to check your spam folder!

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Show + Contact Info

Show Quantitative Data

pull from total available on ticket report
pull from venue settlement; you might have to ask!
note when venue takes tax
pull from YOUR settlement sheet
either the guarantee or the percentage BEFORE taxes, deposit, additions, or deductions. INCLUDING any bonus.
pull from YOUR settlement
pull from AtVenu settlement
pull from AtVenu settlement (merch seller will need to input drop count).
TOTAL due client (guarantee or %)
- taxes amount
- deductions amount
+ buyouts
+ additions amount

$50,000 walkout
- $1,000 tax
- $5,000 deposit
+ $5,000 for hotel buyout
= $49,000 WIRE to booking agent
(or wherever it's going)

Show Qualitative Data

Day Ratings!

5 stars - the Red Rocks standard. You had the best day ever. Kinda rare.
4 stars - It was a pretty good day. Nice gear, nice people. Just not the best ever.
3 stars - Really average day. Gear and people could use some help, but nothing bad happened.
2 stars - We had a bad day, but nobody died.
1 star - Absolute SHIT. Dare I say "Do not book this again?"

Remember! You shouldn't just choose the rating for our crew. Ask them about their day to see if we can be doing anything better or differently! It's okay for everyone's rating to be different!

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Settlement Attachments

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